Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies splitting up a start time and end time into different dates RE: splitting up a start time and end time into different dates

  • After a week of trying different things i finally got a idea that works.

    creating a stored proc that would inserts new dates for each date that spans multiple days

    declare @Maxdays int; --counter

    select @Maxdays = Max(dateDiff(dd,dateStart,dateEnd)) from #mytable --find max of dates that span multiple days

    while @Maxdays > 0 --while loop


    insert into #mytable(dateStart, dateEnd) -- inserts a new row that is plus one day of the start date if it spans multiple days

    select Dateadd(day, 1,datestart), dateend

    from #mytable

    where Datediff (dd,Convert(date,DateStart), Convert(date,DateEnd)) =@Maxdays

    update #mytable -- changes the date end so that its not found again in the insert part

    set dateend=dateadd(d,-@Maxdays,dateend)

    where Datediff (dd,Convert(date,DateStart), Convert(date,DateEnd)) = @Maxdays;

    set @maxdays = @maxdays - 1 -- minus count


    How ever i have never made a stored proc, if any one could help me create one that would be great.

    Also if anyone has a different way, i would love to hear it. The less temp tables and stored procs the better