• Thanks for the explanation guys, I learned something today.

    Actually 2 things. 1) scope and 2) yet another reason not to use subqueries

    @kingston, It is a result but I would argue not the correct result. I can't imagine a scenario where you would write the query like that for the result described.

    Personally I avoid subqueries whereever possible; I find they produce untidy code that is difficult to maintain and whereever possible I will use Common Table Expressions and then use an appropriate join in the main query. This has Three main benefits:

    1) it keeps code clean

    2) the same CTE is reusable a number of times

    3) it preserves scope.

    E.g Return all the details of the last order a customer placed.





    Customer C


    (/* Last Order For Each Customer*/

    SELECT CustomerID,max(orderID) from Orders O Group by O.CustomerID

    ) LO on LO.CustomerID = C.CustomerID


    Orders O on O.OrderID = LO.OrderID

    Compared to

    WITH CTE_LastOrder as

    (/* Last Order For Each Customer*/

    SELECT CustomerID,max(orderID) from Orders O Group by O.CustomerID






    Customer C


    CTE_LastOrder LO on LO.CustomerID = C.CustomerID


    Orders O on O.OrderID = LO.OrderID

    I find the second easier to read and maintain. When looking at the main code I don't have to rethink what the subquery is doing each time, I can get the gist from the suitably named CTE. I can fiddle with the CTE and test the code independently of the main query. When building very complex queries, you can build a series of CTEs that build upon one another and re-use them.

    anayway I have gone WAAAAAY off topic. We should really answer the OPs question which is 100: All the customers in the customer list.