Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Error converting data type varchar to numeric in CASE statement RE: Error converting data type varchar to numeric in CASE statement

  • Chrissy321 (6/19/2013)

    I appreciate you spending any time on this at all since it seems like a data issue,

    Below is more representative of the situation. Removing the WHERE statement and the query will run. Its when I include the CASE statement in the query and check if it is not null where the error is generated

    What happens if you drop the case expression in the where clause? It really is not necessary because you have said that if the value is not 'ABC' then use the decimal conversion. This is the same thing as just checking for NULL.



    case SomeVal2 when 'abc' then 1 else CONVERT(decimal(20,6), SomeVal)END

    from #MyData



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