• DavidL (6/18/2013)

    paul.knibbs (6/18/2013)

    There are other reasons for not moving on from a job. My main reason is that I absolutely hate looking for new jobs--I don't like the disruption, I never get on well at interviews; frankly, I could be the best programmer in the world (which I'm not--second best at most :-)) and I'd still stay in a job until I had really, really good reasons for leaving it.

    I also loathe everything about job searches, up to and including interviewing, and have vowed to never again to do it (famous last words...). But, I've been at my company for 15 years now, and it remains an interesting place to work. The point in the editorial about people is very important, I think. Lousy co-workers can ruin ANYTHING, and great co-workers can make nearly all difficult situations bearable, and sometimes even fun.

    I hate interviews too but as a freelancer I have volunteered myself to a career full of them :-S


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!