• Interesting article. However, the code in the article is basically re-numbering manually instead of taking advantage of the built in Row_Number() functionality.

    This seems to be a lot simpler:

    (Note: I changed the table to a temp table for easier testing)

    -- create the sequence test table

    create table #ToDoList


    todoID int identity(1,1) not null primary key,

    PersonID int not null,

    todoText nvarchar(200) not null,

    todoSequence smallint not null default(0)



    -- populate the sequence test table

    insert into #ToDoList(PersonID, todoText, todoSequence)

    select 1, 'Task 0', 0 union all

    select 1, 'Task 1', 1 union all

    select 1, 'Task 2', 2 union all

    select 1, 'Task 3', 3 union all

    select 1, 'Task 4', 4 union all

    select 1, 'Task 5', 5 union all

    select 1, 'Task 6', 6 union all

    select 1, 'Task 7', 7 union all

    select 1, 'Task 8', 8 union all

    select 1, 'Task 9', 9


    SELECT *

    FROM #ToDoList

    -- resequence tasks


    , @ToDoIDINT= 1

    , @NewSeqINT= 9

    -- figure out the direction we are moving in

    -- down = when the new sequence variable is greater than the old sequence variable

    -- up = when the new sequence variable is less than then the old sequence variable

    DECLARE @DownBIT -- 1 means down, 0 means up

    SELECT @Down = CASE WHEN todoSequence < @NewSeq -- move down

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0 -- move up


    FROM #ToDoList

    WHERE todoID = @todoID

    ;WITH NewSequences AS


    SELECT *


    CASE WHEN TDL.toDoID = @ToDoID THEN @NewSeq ELSE toDoSequence END

    -- order by new sequence without ordering, two numbers will have the same seq

    , CASE WHEN TDL.toDoID = @ToDoID THEN @Down ELSE ~@Down END)

    -- pick with of the two will be first, based on wether we are moving up/down

    - 1 -- for 0 based list

    AS RowNum

    FROM #ToDoList TDL

    WHERE PersonID = @PersonID



    SET TDL.todoSequence = NS.RowNum

    FROM #ToDoList TDL

    JOIN NewSequences NS ON TDL.ToDoID = NS.ToDoID

    SELECT *

    FROM #ToDoList

    ORDER BY todoSequence

    -- clean up

    DROP TABLE #ToDoList