Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies How to delete duplicates/triplicates etc. except for the latest record based on date? RE: How to delete duplicates/triplicates etc. except for the latest record based on date?

  • SQL_beginner1 (6/12/2013)


    I have a table (t_account_code) with the following three columns - AccountCode, StartDate and EndDate. The table does not have an ID column (I know - it was inherited) and at this point, modifying the table is not an option, so please bear with me. With the combination of three columns, we get a PK.

    This table has multiple entries for the same AccountCode, and I want to delete all duplicate/triplicate/multiple entries EXCEPT for the latest one, based on StartDate.

    First, I've created a temp table with all account codes (unique) and their count, if greater than 1.

    I've tried the following query, first to do a select on the accounts that occur twice:

    select * from t_account_code tac1

    where AccountCode in (select AccountCode from #Tmp_accountcodes where count_num = 2)

    and StartDate = (select MIN(StartDate) from t_account_code tac2 where tac2.AccountCode = tac1.AccountCode)

    The distinct values of count_num are 2, 3 and 4.

    This works as intended and gives me the results I want (for duplicate values), but when I change it to a delete statement, I get a syntax error in the first row for the table alias - tac1. Of course, if I delete it, then my query won't work as I'm using tac1 in the sub-query.

    Any solution to this problem will be appreciated, even if it's a different query than the one above. I want to end up with unique AccountCodes in the table, with the latest StartDate, and delete any multiple ones with the older StartDate.


    AccountCode ---- StartDate ---- EndDate

    1234------------ 12/31/2012 ---- 3/30/2013

    1234------------ 3/31/2013 ------4/29/2013

    1234------------ 4/30/2013 -----12/31/2014


    9876------------3/31/2013 -------5/30/2014

    I want to delete the first two rows for AccountCode '1234' and delete the first row for AccountCode '9876.'

    If an AccountCode occurs only once, then I want to leave it alone.


    Give this a try in a test environment:

    with DelDups as (





    rn = row_number() over (partition by AccountCode order by StartDate desc)




    delete from DelDups

    where rn > 1;

    Edit: Fixed the code.