• djackson 22568 (6/12/2013)

    lshanahan (6/12/2013)

    Point being: ...but there is also a place and time to proactively evaluate our systems and look at ways things cold improve.

    Which is exactly my point. Too many people in this field belong elsewhere, maybe they can be politicians or something equally useless!

    Frequently I get told I am too picky about doing things right, to which I respond "that is what I am paid to do!" We need to follow proper testing methodologies PRIOR TO RELEASE, not wait for our customers to find our stupidity or errors. We all make mistakes, and may never catch all our errors in testing, but we damn sure better catch our stupidity. Not checking the input data before processing it is just stupid. We all know it can lead to all kinds of problems, not just incorrect data.

    That is a good goal to have. I believe our industry suffers mostly from poor design and testing, and that we really need to worry about those things, instead of focusing on "see, my application is so much better than my competitors, so please pay me my commission!" Marketing and sales want profit, and seem to not care a whit about quality. Quality drives profits, though, and maybe one day that will become apparent.
