• Jeff Moden (6/6/2013)

    Luis Cazares (6/6/2013)

    Sean Lange (6/6/2013)

    Here is another:

    select stuff(isnull(col1 + '/', '') + isnull(col2 + '/', ''), LEN(isnull(col1 + '/', '') + isnull(col2 + '/', '')), 1, '')

    from Table_1

    Sean, you gave me an idea.

    select stuff(isnull('/' + col1, '') + isnull('/' + col2, ''), 1, 1, '')

    from Table_1

    No wonder my post count is so low lately. Between you, Sean, and some of the other heavy hitters, I don't have much to do anymore. Well done!

    If you're guaranteed to have only 2 columns, a slight variation on the COALESCE approach would work. Haven't checked it for performance, but it might be a little faster because it only does 2 concatenations instead of 3.

    SELECT COALESCE(Col1+'/'+Col2,Col1,Col2)

    How come neither of us got that simple and effective solution? I need to go back to practice the KISS mantra.

    Luis C.
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