• As suggested, I revised the code (see below) but now I'm getting the error "Syntax error in JOIN expression". I can't seem to spot the issue...:unsure:



    , supertable.[Lname, Fname]

    , xxxSTAFF.Last

    , xxxSTAFF.First

    , xxxSTAFF.File

    , xxxSTAFF.Title

    , xxxSTAFF.PayrollTitle

    , xxxSTAFF.Bank

    , xxxSTAFF.[Active Staff] AS Active

    , supertable.Reason

    , supertable.DOECode

    , xxxAbsenceReasons.ReasonDesc

    , xxxAbsenceReasons.DOECode

    , supertable.Substitute

    , supertable.Comment

    , supertable.OP198

    , supertable.OP201

    , supertable.EIS

    , xxxBanks.Desc AS BankTitle

    , xxxPayrollBankGroups.Group

    , [xxxOES Sites].Principal

    , [xxxOES Sites].AsstPrin

    , [xxxOES Sites].Site

    , xxxSTAFF.[Official Class] AS SiteID




    Select Bank & Reason AS BankReason, * from


    select distinct * from


    SELECT [Lname, Fname], Date , Reason , DOECode, Substitute, Comment, OP198, OP201, EIS

    FROM [OES Absence]


    SELECT [Lname, Fname], Date , Reason , DOECode, Substitute, Comment, OP198, OP201, EIS

    FROM [xxxOES Absence 2011 - 2012 thru 20120807]


    SELECT [Lname, Fname], Date , Reason , DOECode, Substitute, Comment, OP198, OP201, EIS

    FROM [xxxOES Absence 2010 - 2011 thru 20120113]


    SELECT [Lname, Fname], Date , Reason , DOECode, Substitute, Comment, OP198, OP201, EIS

    FROM [xxxOES Absence 2009 - 2010 thru 20101209]


    SELECT [Lname, Fname], Date , Reason , DOECode, Substitute, Comment, OP198, OP201, EIS

    FROM [xxxOES Absence 2008 - 2009 thru 20100525]


    SELECT [Lname, Fname], Date , Reason , DOECode, Substitute, Comment, OP198, OP201, EIS

    FROM [xxxOES Absence 2007 - 2008]


    SELECT [Lname, Fname], Date , Reason , DOECode, Substitute, Comment, OP198, OP201, EIS

    FROM [xxxOES Absence 2006 - 2007]


    ) allabsences

    LEFT JOIN xxxSTAFF on (allabsences.[Lname, Fname] = (xxxSTAFF.[Last] &", " &xxxSTAFF.[first] &" " &xxxSTAFF.[file]))

    ) supertable

    LEFT JOIN xxxAbsenceReasons on (supertable.BankReason = (xxxAbsenceReasons.Bank & xxxAbsenceReasons.Reason))


    LEFT JOIN xxxBanks on xxxSTAFF.Bank = xxxBanks.Bank


    LEFT JOIN xxxPayrollBankGroups ON xxxBanks.Bank = xxxPayrollBankGroups.Bank


    LEFT JOIN [xxxOES Sites] ON xxxSTAFF.[Official Class] = [xxxOES Sites].[Official Class]

    WHERE [xxxOES Sites].[CLOSED SITE]=No