Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General The log for database is not available; Database was shutdown due to error 9001 in routine 'XdesRMFull::Commit'. RE: The log for database is not available; Database was shutdown due to error 9001 in routine 'XdesRMFull::Commit'.

  • Hi,

    I just got the same error on one of my database and would like to share how I recovered from it.

    Troubleshooted by following

    (1)Take database offline

    (2) bring database online

    (3) change the database property to Auto Close = False

    (4) we need to run dbcc so we will require db in single mode. change the database property to single user mode.

    (5) run below dbcc command

    dbcc checkdb ('db', REPAIR_REBUILD)

    (6) now it should run fine and above log related error should not appear.

    (7) change database property to “Multi User mode”

    Note that we run dbcc every weekly and this error was not appeared at that time. I also have plenty of free disk space so I am still not clear why error appeared.

    In my case above method worked. If there is any better way to troubleshoot this, then let me know.

    Can someone let me know why this error appears? I mean what causes this ?