• Thanks for pointing out I had these events sorted by type of event instead of event start time. I sorted them by event start time, so they make a little more sense... but still have some questions...

    Event Class = Trace Start


    What does this do?

    Event Class = RPC: Completed

    TextData = exec sp_unprepare 26


    Does select @p1 actually execute the SQL statement or does it get the returned value of the sql statement?

    Event Class = RPC: Completed

    TextData = declare @p1 int

    set @p1=26

    exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,NULL,N'SELECT in_update FROM ngn_ids WHERE id_name = ''Histories_MedSurg'' AND id_value = ''557D78F4-F830-47C6-BE87-23F567F2FC3C'''

    select @p1


    I don't understand the select @p1, @p3, @p4

    It has executed the SQL, so @p1 stores the result of the SQL, right?

    is select @p1, @p3, @p4 actually a select statement? if not what is it doing in that select line?

    Event Class = RPC: Completed

    TextData = declare @p1 int

    set @p1=28

    declare @p3 int

    set @p3=0

    declare @p4 varchar(max)

    set @p4='ng_update_person: (Success), Person "Deano TestRochester" {557D78F4-F830-47C6-BE87-23F567F2FC3C} Added.'

    exec sp_prepexecrpc @p1 output,N'ng_update_person',@po_result_code=@p3 output,@po_result_message=@p4 output,@pi_person_id='557D78F4-F830-47C6-BE87-23F567F2FC3C',@pi_user_id=154

    select @p1, @p3, @p4


    What does this do?

    Runs a select statement, but what for?

    What does it do with the data selected?

    Event Class = SQL: BatchCompleted

    TextData = SELECT pe.enterprise_id, pe.practice_id, pe.person_id, pe.other_id_number, pe.first_name, pe.last_name, pe.middle_name, pa.person_id ,pa.med_rec_nbr, pe.date_of_birth, pe.sex, pe.nickname FROM { oj person pe LEFT OUTER JOIN patient pa ON pe.person_id = pa.person_id AND pa.practice_id = '0001' } WHERE pe.person_id = '557D78F4-F830-47C6-BE87-23F567F2FC3C'
