• Steph Locke (5/29/2013)

    djackson 22568 (5/29/2013)

    Steph Locke (5/29/2013)

    Whilst on the topic of upvoting useful functionality... things like adding native alternating row colours in ssrs would be super handy...


    SSRS has fallen by the way side a bit and getting features that reduce development overhead would be great - please consider voting for it!

    Not something I have done a lot of, but it is already possible to do that in SSRS. Of course, it takes about 5 seconds in any other reporting product, and it took me hours to figure out how to do it in SSRS, so it does require improvement. If you were not aware it could be done, Google it for a solution. If you knew it could be done but that it was unnecessarily difficult, yeah, I completely agree.

    You're totally right in that it can be done, but why should it have to be so fiddly... and when you have to descend into code to do alternating column colours it gets really messy!

    Fiddly, messy, those are awfully polite words to describe it. 😀
