• Christian Buettner-167247 (5/27/2013)

    Good question, but the answer is wrong.

    SQL Server evaluates object references during parse time. Flow-control logic is not applied at this stage.

    This is not true. If you change the temporary table to a regular table (e.g. dbo.Tab), the script will work.

    DECLARE @MoreColumns bit;

    SET @MoreColumns = 1

    IF @MoreColumns = 0

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Tab (

    id int,

    name varchar(50)




    CREATE TABLE dbo.Tab (

    id int,

    name varchar(50),

    Description varchar(8000),





    DROP TABLE dbo.Tab

    If more than one temporary table is created inside a single stored procedure or batch, they must have different names


    Obviously SQL Server does not care if the two create table statements are mutually exclusive and does not allow that.


    I think table variable and temp tables will be created at compilation time, so control flow logic will not work here.

    can someone pour more light on it?

    Desire to learn new things..