Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) List out rows from a duplicate record set that has one or more odd values RE: List out rows from a duplicate record set that has one or more odd values

  • geoff5 (5/22/2013)


    After reading your explanation of the reason why GROUP BY is more efficient than window functions, I can see the logic in your in-line view solution. I would still do it as a CTE, but that is merely a matter of refactoring what is essentially the same query logic. I do believe your last complete solution is the best approach.

    Actually, I don't have anything against CTE, and will always use it over sub-query. It makes query easier to read and, therefore, maintain. So, if you insist on using CTE in this case I would recommend that version:

    ;WITH cte



    SELECT CaseID, MAX(CreatedDate) LatestUpdate

    FROM @mySampleTable


    HAVING MAX(StudentID) != MIN(StudentID)


    SELECT s.*

    FROM @mySampleTable AS s

    JOIN cte AS fs ON fs.CaseID = s.CaseID

    ORDER BY fs.LatestUpdate DESC,


    s.CreatedDate DESC -- here it's depends how you want to sort records for the same CaseId

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