• To me this is an very interesting editorial and I'm a bit shocked that there aren't about five pages of comments by now instead of a single (and thoughtful) post.

    Maybe Americans are getting started on Memorial Day already but that isn't any excuse for the rest of the world. I'd love to hear what you have to say on the subject (and don't we all love to talk about what we think we're good at?).

    My two bits:

    It begins with problem definition. Johnism: "Undefined problems are unresolved problems". If you can't articulate the issue you are not going to resolve it.

    Having a handle on the problem, my next move is to delineate the steps between where I am and where I need to be (the "strategic gap"). Sometimes I do this mentally and sometimes I write them down. Also, I will usually have a good idea at this point if I am going to need help or not.

    One very simple thing I usually do before writing a single query is to write a single comment describing what I want that particular query to accomplish. It provides focus for me and a pointer for someone who might follow me someday.

    Lastly, I look for opportunities to utilize the techniques you wonderful folks share with the rest of us on a daily basis. I still can't stand in the same room as the very best of you but because of you, I am twice the programmer I was before I started frequenting SSC.