• KoldCoffee (5/19/2013)

    When the response from the poster becomes "I don't need that information just focus on the question I asked" when in reality that's what was being done, we all lose something.

    Sorry, but even in a forum where each can add to the discussion with their lens of experience, there is something as a derailing contribution. Even here. There is enough breadth to discuss without going off topic ie. questioning the entire existence of the problem as legitimate to begin with.

    Foundation: trust that the person posting the topic wishes to achieve a solution for *that* problem. The person does not want to examine his whole existence and the reason the ocean is blue and build a big arena and paint the ceiling red and then build a model ocean under it, just to see if that adds perspective to the problem. . . just because it is a discussion forum.

    So, let me get this straight, if a person is asking for a solution using a cursor then that is all we should provide even if there is a better set-based solution for the problem. Sorry, but I really can't agree with that.