• joe.eager (5/17/2013)

    I've switched over to using SSDT for most of my DB Development.

    Its been a really good (but slightly painful) change over.

    Has anyone else done this?

    We use SSDT here. It's better than the older DB Projects and free. Takes a little extra work and some learning, but I really like being able to just publish the "master" branch of our database project when we're ready to release. So much better than trying to maintain an ordered set of scripts across multiple branches, with (implied) dependencies on those scripts.

    We use Git for our VCS. It allows us to work in a disconnected fashion, but doesn't track file moves/renames very well that I've seen. I'm probably just using it wrong, but that is one thing I do miss about a connected VCS. For personal stuff, I'll put a copy on SkyDrive or DropBox. I don't have anything that's so mission critical that I'd really be at a loss if they were down temporarily. For home files - Crashplan. I'd be a dead man if our pictures and documents folders disappeared or became corrupted. 🙂