• Eugene Elutin (5/17/2013)

    T.Ashish (5/17/2013)

    So should I say that it is the old way of INNER JOINing tables, that will not be supported in future versions !!

    No, that's incorrect. The older (non ANSI) version of outer joins using =* and *= is deprecated. You should be able "INNER JOIN" in where clause...

    Also, when we write "x IN (2,4,6)", optimizer converts it into "x=2 OR x=4 OR x=6", we can see it in execution plan. Does Sql store this optimized query somewhere?

    Yes it does. In a query plan cache. You can access it using sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan

    Actually outer joins using =*, *=, and *=* are the ANSI 89 style joins and are no longer support in SQL Server since the release of SQL Server 2005 (well, it is supported when you run in compatibility mode 80 iirc).