• KoldCoffee (5/16/2013)

    shop air compressor - Speedaire State of Washington pressure vessel ID = 33501-03W

    looks like browser is converting the characters in my excel from HTML to human readable code. No matter what I do, I can't show you exactly what's in my excel source, but it's not pretty. It's html gobbelty goop

    the asset description is actually populated with a bunch of hash marks, ampersands, and semi colons, all of which disappear into nice html when I click save.....

    I know you don't want to hear from me but two things, the first a question. Do you see the same gobbelty goop in other rows for the same column or in the other column you are having problems with?

    Second, those characters we don't see when you post are two carrage return-linefeed combinations (could see them when I clicked to quote reply just to see what was there).