Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General SQL2012SP1, simple recovery, transaction log full, can't add another, won't grow RE: SQL2012SP1, simple recovery, transaction log full, can't add another, won't grow

  • I suspect everything is hung up on figuring out how to accomplish a checkpoint. I don't understand, fundamentally, why I can't add a new log or grow an existing one. In the [sys].[dm_exec_requests] I have

    - an UPDATE command waiting on LOGMGR_RESERVE_APPEND

    - a CHECKPOINT command (background) waiting on CHECKPOINT_QUEUE

    - a LOG WRITER command (background) waiting on LOGMGR_QUEUE

    I start to suspect there is some sort of deadlock involved, causing everything to be stuck waiting for the checkpoint, and the checkpoint to be stuck because the log is full. But I'm not sure.

    select [status], [command], [blocking_session_id], [wait_type], [wait_time], [last_wait_type], [total_elapsed_time], [reads], [writes], [transaction_isolation_level], [lock_timeout], [nest_level] from sys.dm_exec_requests where command like '%LOG' or command like '%CHECKPOINT%' or wait_type like '%LOG%'

    I don't know how to post a table successfully 🙁


    backgroundLOG WRITER0LOGMGR_QUEUE51LOGMGR_QUEUE171,690,432002-11
