• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (5/13/2013) ... I expect improvement, small, slow, and incremental, along the way.

    And this is a reasonable expectation.

    We need to not only learn from our mistakes in development but also from our successes. It is not a failure to look back and see that you could have done something better. This is how we learn. We need to celebrate when we find a better way to do things. Then we need to institute doing processes this new way until even better again comes.

    How many have looked back at a project and said something like "If I knew then what I know now I would have done it differently." And once we have those revelations about better ways to do things we must alter our path and make the changes to do it differently, better, and more efficiently. How could we live with ourselves if we didn't do this?


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!