• i think it's the usual; there's no easy way, but you can use the metadata to build your commands to add everyone to a deny everything group

    something like this is what i think off of the top of my head.

    CREATE ROLE [NoAccessForYou];

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::[db_denydatawriter] TO [NoAccessForYou];

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::[db_denydatareader] TO [NoAccessForYou];

    CREATE ROLE [OnlyReadAccessForYou];

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::[db_denydatawriter] TO [OnlyReadAccessForYou];

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::[db_datareader] TO [OnlyReadAccessForYou];

    declare @Batch varchar(max);

    SET @Batch = '';

    SELECT --@Batch = @Batch +

    'EXEC sp_addrolemember N''NoAccessForYou'', N''' + name + ''';' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10),*

    FROM sys.database_principals WHERE type_desc IN('WINDOWS_USER','SQL_USER') AND principal_id > 4 ;

    print (@Batch);

    --exec (@@Batch);

    EXEC sp_droprolemember N'NoAccessForYou', N'TestUser';

    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'OnlyReadAccessForYou', N'TestUser';

    EXECUTE AS USER='TestUser';

    --do stuff

    --change back into superman


    --clean up after ourself:

    DROP ROLE [OnlyReadAccessForYou];

    DROP ROLE [NoAccessForYou];


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