• in both vb6 or VB.Net, you can split the string into elements, and take the first element, or you can use the built in string functions.

    'VB.Net: both return "ABC"

    Dim SomeString As String = "ABC DEF GHI"

    Dim val = SomeString.Substring(0, SomeString.IndexOf(" "))

    Dim arr() As String = "ABC DEF GHI".Split(" ")

    val = arr(0)


    Dim SomeString As String

    SomeString = "ABC DEF GHI"

    Dim val As String

    val = Left(SomeString, InStr(SomeString, " ") - 1) '-1 to remove the space

    Dim arr() As String

    arr = Split("ABC DEF GHI", " ")

    val = arr(0)


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