• so the first month of the year in this enterprise is October(10) and finish September (9)

    ( that's called CAMPAGNE its mean Crop year if i can trust Google translate 😀 )

    @D_DEBUT = start_date

    @D_FIN = end_date

    date_complete : its a complete date ( DAY-MONTH-YEAR) = DATEID

    Annee : year = ANNEE

    trimestre : quarter of year = TRIMESTRE

    mois : number of the month in the year calendar = MOIS

    mois_complet : name of the month = LIB_MOIS

    semaine_annee : number of the week in the year calendar = SEMAINE

    jour : day = JOUR

    jour_semaine : day of the week ( i think its the number of the day in a week ) = JOUR_SEMAINE

    quinzaine : fifteen day in month ( month divided by 2 ) = QUINZAINE

    campagne : campaign or crop year begin Oct and finish Sept = CAMPAGNE

    annee2 : the year of the crop year ( in this format 12/13 yearbegin/yearfinish ) = ANNEE_CAMP

    ordre_mois : the order of the months in the crop year 10 - 11 - 12 -1 ... = ORDRE_MOIS

    in the end of the script hey put a concatenation with date complete with D1 D2 D3 every D is 10 day in the order

    my internship supervisor is on vacation and i tried to expose the requirement so i hope its a apparent now for you