Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General Help with SQL Server backups slow ( backup performance slower than before after data purge) RE: Help with SQL Server backups slow ( backup performance slower than before after data purge)

  • SQL Show (5/8/2013)

    What is the auto growth of your lDF file

    I am about to blame the number of VLF files in your database. Your Purge might be adding lots of small sized vlf files which in turn , may cause the backup process run slow. Backup process obviously "reads" ldf file, large numbr of small size vlf files will delay.



    Next time you do purge, do Pre size your ldf file accordingly.

    Autogrow set to 1GB increments. (That will get addressed in future)

    Interesting to point out number of VLFs could be the issue, but prior to all the multiple purges the number of VLFs was around 200s though (backup times back then were under 65mins),

    After purge it's around 200s also, so not much change, in number of VLFs, I completely ruled it out....But now I'd like to give that a try just to see, because any ideas are worth a shot. Thanks for suggestion, worth a try - wouldn't have considered without your suggestion

    ...0.05 points per day since registration... slowly crawl up to 1 pt per day hopefully 😀