• Hi niladri.primalink,

    Using correlated subqueries (especially so many of them) is as bad as having an open bottle of rum on the front seat of your car or carrying a gun openly on a street.

    Lack of enforcement from the police (probably because they can't read SQL very well) does not make it less criminal.


    I've tried to fix you query by moving subqueries to derived tables.

    Some might suggest CTE - it's up to you which style to choose.

    CTE might be the perfect choice for selecting "submission status" - if you can tell which one you need to select for each particular file_id.

    I did not have table definitions and test data to test the script, so please do this part yourself - there might be some errors.

    But anyway this might give you an idea how it should be done:

    SELECT fb.{/*list pf columns here*/}


    ISNULL (ft.totcreditamount, FTE.totcreditamount) totcreditamount,

    ISNULL (ft.totdebitamount, FTE.totdebitamount) totdebitamount,

    FROM filebasic fb

    LEFT JOIN userlogin UL ON UL.user_id=fb.createdby


    SELECT fileid, MAX(status))status

    FROM submission

    WHERE file_type=1

    GROUP BY fileid )sub_status ON fileid = file_id


    SELECT fileid,

    CONVERT (DECIMAL(13,2), SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, CASE WHEN transactioncode IN ('99', 'Z4', 'Z5') THEN amount ELSE 0.00 END) )/100.00 ) totcreditamount,

    CONVERT (DECIMAL(13,2), SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, CASE WHEN transactioncode IN ('01', '17', '18', '19') THEN amount ELSE 0.00 END) )/100.00 ) totdebitamount

    FROM filetransaction

    WHERE iscontra=0 AND ISNUMERIC(amount + '.0e0') = 1

    GROUP BY fileid

    ) ft ON ft.fileid=fb.file_id


    SELECT FPSTemp.fileid,

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(13,2), SUM(CASE WHEN mt.transaction_code IN ('99', 'Z4', 'Z5') THEN FPSTemp.amount ELSE 0 END )/100.00 ) totcreditamount,

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(13,2), SUM(CASE WHEN mt.transaction_code IN ('01', '17', '18', '19') THEN FPSTemp.amount ELSE 0 END )/100.00 ) totdebitamount

    FROM filetransaction_excel FPSTemp

    INNER JOIN m_transactiontype mt ON mt.name = FPSTemp.transaction_code

    WHERE ISNUMERIC(FPSTemp.amount + '.0e0') = 1 AND FPSTemp.amount IS NOT NULL

    GROUP BY FPSTemp.fileid

    ) FTE ON FTE.fileid= fb.file_id

    WHERE company_id=@company_id

    AND status=0 AND createdby = @INT_USERID

    ORDER BY file_id DESC

    I have doubts about use of table m_transactiontype in the last derived table.

    It seems that "mt.transaction_code" must be replaced with "FPSTemp.transaction_code" and the INNER JOIN removed completely, as columns from the table are not used neither for SELECT not for WHERE clauses.

    Code for TallyGenerator