• DAVNovak (5/3/2013)


    Create Function Get_XY_Coordinates (@i_Pupil_Number int)

    Returns int


    Declare @iXYCoord int

    SELECT @iXYCoord = sab.address_id

    From sps_address_bridge sab inner join sps_stud_assignment_address saa on sab.street_number = saa.street_number

    And sab.full_street_name = saa.street_name

    And sab.postal_code = saa.postal_code

    Where saa.pupil_number = i_pupil_number

    Order by CASE WHEN sab.Housemodifier IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE 'Z' END, sab.x_coordinate, sab.y_coordinate

    Return @iXYCoord


    The above query runs very slow, i think the reason is in the order by there is the case statement,

    can anyone help make this query more efficient, but still get the same result?
