• malleswarareddy_m (5/4/2013)

    Because Id value 4 is not exits in t2 table. Thats why you getting error.

    If you have foreign key then the reference column value must exists in parent table.

    below code will work.

    create table t1


    ID int primary key identity(1,1),

    Name varchar(100)


    Create table T2


    ID2 int primary key identity(1,1),

    Name2 varchar(100)


    Insert into T1 values('A'),('B'),('E'),('G')

    INsERT INTO T2 values ('L'),('K'),('M'),('S')

    Create table t3


    ID3 int,

    Name3 varchar(100)


    alter table t3

    ADD constraint FK_ID4 foreign key (ID3) references t1(ID)

    alter table t3

    ADD constraint FK_ID3 foreign key (ID3) references t2(ID2)

    Insert into t3 values (4,'G')

    drop table t3

    drop table t2

    drop table t1

    But this will not fulfill my scenario that I required. I want column ID of table T3 should refer the ID col of T1 and T2 as it contain values from both table.

    To get quick answer follow this link: