• Thanks for your reply Lynn.

    We have this working php code and i am trying to convert this into sql

    $db_name = "DB_admin1" ;

    $conn = mssql_select_db($db_name) or die('Connection to the Database failed!

    ') ;

    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT ClientName FROM tblClient WHERE ClientNumber IN (SELECT ClientNumber FROM tblSystem WHERE SystemNum = ".$_SESSION['system'].")";

    $result = mssql_query($query) ;

    if($row = mssql_fetch_row($result)){

    $clientName = $row[0];

    if(is_numeric(strrpos(strtolower($clientName), '_p_')))

    The following query selects only one client name as it should


    FROM tblClient

    WHERE ClientNumber


    (SELECT ClientNumber FROM tblSystem WHERE SystemNum = 30461)

    All I want is a case/if statement so if the client name has '_p_' in it, then return 3 otherwise 0