Home Forums Programming Powershell Retrieve data and log file names from SQL database RE: Retrieve data and log file names from SQL database

  • Try something like this instead:

    Add-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Add-PSSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $searchTerm = "something"

    # note the second entry is for a default instance so you would only change the word "server" and leave the "\default"

    $databases = @{"server\instance"="db_name";"server\default"="db_name"}

    foreach($database in $databases.Keys)


    Set-Location ("SQLSERVER:\SQL\" + $database + "\Databases\" + $databases.Get_Item($database) + "\FileGroups")

    foreach($FileGroup in Get-ChildItem){

    foreach($File in $FileGroup.Files){

    # in here you can build up any string you like using the logical file name and physical

    # path, or whatever else, and push it into an XML file

    "FileGroup=" + $FileGroup.DisplayName + ". FileName=" + $File.FileName + ". FileID=" + $File.ID




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