• Hugo Kornelis (5/2/2013)

    (And I think every development server SHOULD be set up with case sensitive collation - developing there and deploying to a case insensitive server is okay, the other word around is a disaster

    I think I'll add that one to my list of dangerous T-SQL myths. If someone has used a case-sensitive server for development and distinguished betwen the 8 columns COL, COl, CoL, Col, cOL, cOl, coL,and col deployment to a case-insensitive server will be a disaster, far from OK. I am sure that you know better Hugo, and don't understand why you make such a silly statement.

    Personally, I think using a case insensitive collation as the default is best practise. Obviously case sensitivity is required for comparing strings in some rare cases, but there's nothing wrong with specifying a case sensitive coolation in those rare cases; the cases where string comparison needs to be case insensitive are, I believe, far more frequent.
