• Evil Kraig F (4/29/2013)

    At the same time, I rarely take this approach for app devs to access my data because of all the intrinsic concerns that views bring into play, one of which is the one you mention. Another is data width, one of my biggest concerns. Additionally, it's against most best practices and depending on your security concerns, straight up illegal in production. The fact that I have usually dealt with medical and/or securities and retirement data through my career may have colored my opinion in this regard.

    I too have concerns about using views, and have a very strong preference for providing a procedural interface to the apps - not because I think the app developers will write bad SQL (at least it won't be any worse than what most DBAs write, in my experience) but because they provide a functionally less constrained interface, hence poorer modularity. But of course views provide a functionally more constrained interface than does direct access to base tables, because that direct access allows the app to be dependent on the base schemata, ie there is no module boundary at all between the database and the app. Data width is no more a concern with views than it is with base tables - and possible less of a concern because if a sloppy app developer writes select * against a view he gets only the columns which are in the select list of the view, whereas if he writes select * against a join between base tables he gets all columns in those tables. Security is potentially better with views than with direct access to base tables, so direct access to base tables is more often illegal in production that access through views.

    Trying to keep views the same constantly is a nice to have to me, but I have no issue with ripping a view to pieces and rebuilding it if I need to, as a view is merely a subquery container for most usage and should be able to be traced in sys.sql_modules. If your app coders are blazing ahead of your sql resources, then you've unbalanced your development team. You've over-hired on app guys (or maybe you've just got a couple of superstars). It's time to get them more support... even if you have to let go of an app guy to get your ratio(s) right.

    I think we are talking about different things here: "keeping views the same constantly" doesn't have any clear meaning to me. What I want is freedom to change the base schema without changing the apps - so I want to present the same view to the app when the base schema changes, and have no objection to having to rewrite the view in order to handle the new base schema. I also want freedom to change the apps view of the data without changing the base schema - for example I may want to allow the app to see historical data which it couldn't see before, which might mean either changing a view to add some new columns or adding a new view. Neither of these things strike me as "keeping views the same constantly". And I also want to be able to add columns to a view and have the old version of the app continue to work without change, so that most of the time when an upgrade requires both schema changes and app changes I can upgrade the base schema before I upgrade the app instead of having to synchronize the upgrades - this is often useful in ensuring that you only have to support one version of the base schema even if your customers are using 4 different releases of the app. These are all the classical reasons for wanting strong modular boundaries and concealing the internals of one component from other components so that developers can't accidentally create unwanted dependencies between modules and thus place unwanted constraints the way the business can develop and evolve.


    Given these real world circumstances, where queries are written by people who don't know the underlying schemmata. proper declarative referential integrity enforcement gives the optimiser a great assist in getting the best possible performance out of the system for us.

    You're using a shop where inexperienced coders are relying on workarounds for ad-hoc queries as your example of when to use this optimization.

    My main example is a system which has extremely intelligent, competent, and experienced people working to a set of rules which rigidly enforces best practise modularity. It is of course useful that this defends you from the idiot in marketing or PR who turns an ad-hoc query into the foundation of his whole function, but that's not the important property - support of narrow modular boundaries is. Without those narrow modular boundaries, you will very quickly have either a product that is so slow to evolve that your competitors eat up all your business or an product so complex and unwieldly and riddled with kludges that it costs the earth to support it.[/quote]

    I just feel like we're addressing the wrong concern with this. I do appreciate the very detailed explanation however of where something like this could actually come to use... as a stopgap until they fix things properly.

    I've edited this twice now and I think it finally reads correctly. I'm honestly not trying to come off as an ***, but I just can't see people at the level of skill you're discussing having a clue this could help them, nor them looking for it in the first place. Anyone with enough skill to know and/or remember the intricacies of the optimizer at this level and requires to use this for your use-case is either insanely overwhelmed with workload or is in the first steps of cleanup when they arrive at a new site.[/quote]

    I think it's pretty clear that when you wrote that you hadn't understood what I was talking about. It seems equally clear that I haven't a clue what you are getting at.

    It's clear that we are not both addressing the same concerns. I think that's because of different experience.

    I'm coming from a product development view, where the schemata, middleware, apps, and front ends all went together and were all sold to lots of customers who demanded new features, 24X7 availability, 24/7 support, minimal unscheduled downtime risk (we couldn't guarantee the system would continue to run if vaporised by a thermonuclear device, so we didn't claim zero unscheduled downtime risk), regular upgrades, conformance with data protection regulations, very user-friendly and enjoyable end-user interface that would conform with all the latest fads and fashions, all of which meant rapid change which in turn meant very thoroughly modular design and construction was essential. You seem to be coming from a situation where you have at any time a single user community, with a well understood requirement and rare and slow change, so rare and slow that complex interdependencies between app layer and data interface layer and base schema are perfectly acceptable and modularity doesn't much matter.

    So we can either continue to try to understand each other - which may be difficult, given the different backgrounds - or we can just accept that we have done different things and therefor have needed to take different approaches to doing them.

    edit: spelling and quote tags
