Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Help with sql statement to delete old records for user if multiple records found RE: Help with sql statement to delete old records for user if multiple records found

  • Here's two other ways of doing it. First, write a query returning the rows you want to keep:

    -- Query 1

    select *

    from #UserSession us

    where us.LastUpdated =(

    select Max( LastUpdated )

    from #UserSession

    where UserName = us.UserName );

    -- Query 2

    select us.*

    from #UserSession us

    left join #UserSession us2

    on us2.UserName = us.Username

    and us2.LastUpdated > us.LastUpdated

    where us2.UserName is null;

    For those leery of subqueries, Query 1 will be impressively fast if the table is large, assuming Username and LastUpdated are properly indexed.

    To delete, just invert the filter criteria and add to a DELETE statement. In this case, Query 2 is easier to invert so:


    from #UserSession us

    from #UserSession us

    left join #UserSession us2

    on us2.UserName = us.Username

    and us2.LastUpdated > us.LastUpdated

    where us2.UserName is not null;

    -- Verify

    select *

    from #UserSession;

    Will this be faster than using analytics? Probably not. But it never hurts to have alternate ways to get to where you want to go.

    Note: this code is written in SybaseIQ, which is the only system I have available to me at the moment. Some slight modification will be needed for Sql Server.

    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.