• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (4/22/2013)

    Gary Varga (4/22/2013)

    I also think that we are going to have learn to throw away more data too. This will probably be a rough road in data management. Those of you who are major influencers in such things will have to assist businesses in deciding, perhaps more than ever, what data to keep in what granularity and for how long. This may be BI data related process and it feels somewhat like that to me. Perhaps this is just part of some of your jobs in the data warehousing arena.

    Of course, I hope Steve wasn't slighting us developers as being unprofessional when he said "SQL Server professionals and developers" 😛

    Good points, and I think over time the idea of classifying data, aggregating some of it and tossing other parts will become more important.

    I wasn't trying to slight anyone, but make sure our focus is on building these apps that help people in some way, not just meet some spec without necessarily accomplishing something meaningful for the task.

    For the most part I agree, meet needs do not just meet specifications. But some well thought out specifications can be very useful. They should be subject to review, subject to summarizations etc, but some of those specifications are really nice to have in place since the developer might not know what the ancillary need is the specifications meet. 🙂

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!