• churlbut (4/18/2013) I don't understand why someone would get annoyed by a forum post asking for interview questions, sounds like there are quite a few people that are kinda snobby in these forums.

    patrickmcginnis59 10839 - I actually posted what I felt were valid counter arguments in the last thread on this subject on why withholding interview questions ultimately helped no one and pretty much got one fellow so upset he described me as some sort of forum bully. It did motivate me to take a break from here but in hindsight it looks downright comical.

    This is becoming a common problem in a lot of "help" blogs and forums. You especially see this in the "StackExchange" threads. There a lot of times a question/answer is posted and it is deemed not helpful, not a valid question, a duplicate, or given some other reason and the posts are deleted or modified. I also am seeing a lot of responses that are mean, snobbish, and downright nasty.

    This is very true when posting a question on a development method or tools. The questions are deemed "not a valid question" that will cause arguments. Well, sometimes it is a good thing to have a deep discussion on development methods. This is especially true now is relation to the Microsoft programming stack. With all Microsoft's changes of direction in the last couple of years (Silverlight, XNA, forms, WPF, MVC, MVVM), it is difficult to get a good idea on how to proceed when starting a new development project.

    If we continue to denigrate and put down questions, especially from the new developers out there, you will see less and less people doing this for a living. We need people who are willing to extend the helping hand no matter how stupid a question seems.

    This site has really been a very open and inviting place to post questions and responses and I am amazed at how much I learn and still need to learn.

