• Thanks very much guys...Unfortunately I'm still on 2008

    I've tried the below and it works, but I'm not sure how to achieve this through the quirky update as advised in the article

    ;with Data(ClassID, MemberID, Weight) as


    select 'A', 1, 10 union all

    select 'A', 2, 20 union all

    select 'A', 3, 40 union all

    select 'A', 5, 25 union all

    select 'A', 6, 15 union all

    select 'A', 8, 10 union all

    select 'B', 1, 50 union all

    select 'B', 2, 10 union all

    select 'B', 3, 60 union all

    select 'B', 6, 400


    --SELECT* FROM Data ORDER BY ClassID,Weight

    SELECT d.classid,d.memberid,d.Weight

    FROM Data d


    SELECT D2.ClassID,SUM(Weight) as total_weight

    FROM Data D2

    GROUP BY D2.ClassID

    ) Totals ON Totals.ClassID = d.ClassID


    (SELECT SUM(weight) FROM Data D3 where D3.ClassID = d.ClassID and D3.weight <= d.weight)

    <= 0.25*Totals.total_weight

    Help is much appreciated