• mike.hamilton721 (4/17/2013)

    Alright. Played around (and Googled), and came up with this:

    DBCC traceon (3604);

    drop table #DBID

    Create table #DBID (

    Name nvarCHAR(256)NULL,

    LogicalName nvarCHAR(256)NULL,

    BindingID nvarCHAR(256)NULL)

    declare @db varchar(256),

    @dbid int,

    @hidb int

    select @hidb = MAX(dbid),

    @dbid = 5

    from sysdatabases

    while @dbid <= @hidb


    set @db = null

    select @db = name

    from sysdatabases where dbid = @dbid

    if @db is not null

    Declare @Cmd varchar(8000)

    insert into #DBID (LogicalName,BindingID)

    EXEC ('DBCC fileheader(@dbid)')

    insert into #DBID (Name) Values (@db)

    set @dbid = @dbid + 1


    dbcc traceoff(3604)

    select Name,LogicalName,BindingID from #DBID


    Now the problem is that it doesn't like the @dbid in the EXEC command. So it pulls all the names as it scrolls through the DB's, but I get the "Must declare the scalar variable @dbid" message. Any ideas on how to work around that? Thank you for the help!!!

    Two problems I see. First, you declare @dbid in the outer script but never populate it. Second, if it was populated, your not adding it to you dynamic sql correctly.

    This, EXEC ('DBCC fileheader(@dbid)'), is where you are getting you error since @dbid is not declared in the context of the dynamic sql. You probably want this: EXEC ('DBCC fileheader(' + cast(@dbid as varchar)' + ')').