• First of all, I recommend creating a permanent calendar table. A very simplified example would be something like this:


    ---------------------- Create a calendar table ----------------------


    create table calendar (

    date_key date primary key,

    year smallint,

    quarter smallint,

    month smallint,

    day_of_year smallint,

    day smallint,

    week_of_year smallint,

    day_of_week smallint,

    day_of_week_label nvarchar(50)


    insert into calendar

    with dk as (

    select dateadd(d, rank() over(order by newid()), '19990101') as date_key

    from sys.objects cross join sys.columns



    datepart(yy, date_key),

    datepart(qq, date_key),

    datepart(m, date_key),

    datepart(dy, date_key),

    datepart(d, date_key),

    datepart(wk, date_key),

    datepart(dw, date_key),

    datename(dw, date_key)

    from dk

    Materialising into a table allows easy implementation of different calendaring rules, such as 4-4-5, 4-5-4, ISO, etc.

    Further reading: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/70482/[/url]