• Thanks a lot Lowell and E'Loment....it worked like a charm....but i have some problems here....

    the output what we are getting is the updated items....but the requester is looking for old item i mean records before the update....and i'm planning to create insert,update and delete...i have used your code and create a trigger like this....

    For delete it isnt working....no output in logger_all table, that means @body isnt working...

    for insert/update its working.........but for update i'm looking for old record...not the new column that was updated....

    Please let me know your thoughts..

    Here's the code

    --/****** Object: Table [dbo].[logger] Script Date: 04/15/2013 13:07:57 ******/







    --CREATE TABLE [dbo].[logger](

    --[Body] [varchar](500) NULL,

    --[ConfigSetID_Ins] [varchar](100) NULL,

    --ConfigSetID_Del varchar(100),

    --[Subject] [varchar](104) NULL,

    --[Name] [varchar](200) NULL,

    --[Version] [varchar](100) NULL,

    --[Timestamp] [varchar](100) NULL

    --) ON [PRIMARY]




    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[ConfigTrigger_New]

    ON [dbo].[ConfigSet]

    AFTER Update, insert, delete


    DECLARE @ConfigSetID_Ins varchar(100)

    DECLARE @ConfigSetID_Del varchar(100)

    DECLARE @Body varchar(500)

    Declare @Subject varchar(104)

    Declare @Name varchar(200)

    Declare @Version varchar(100)

    Declare @Timestamp varchar(100)

    declare @optype tinyint = 0;

    if exists (select * from inserted) set @optype = @optype+1

    if exists (select * from deleted) set @optype = @optype+2


    set @Subject =

    case @optype

    when 1 then 'New row inserted into ConfigSet table in XXXXXX'

    when 2 then 'Row deleted from ConfigSet table in XXXXXX'

    when 3 then 'Row modified in ConfigSet table in XXXXXX'

    else 'This should never happen'

    end ;

    SELECT @ConfigSetID_Ins = C.ConfigSetID, @Name = c.Name, @Version = [c].[Version],

    @Timestamp = c.[Timestamp]

    from inserted i join ConfigSet C on I.ConfigSetID = C.ConfigSetID

    SELECT @ConfigSetID_Del = C.ConfigSetID, @Name = c.Name, @Version = [c].[Version],

    @Timestamp = c.[Timestamp]

    from deleted d join ConfigSet C on d.ConfigSetID = C.ConfigSetID

    --SET @body = 'New record has been Updated in ConfigSet table in XXXXXX, Following are the details ' + char(13)

    -- + 'ConfigSetID : ' + ISNULL(@ConfigSetID_Ins,'[Missing ConfigSet]') + CHAR(13)

    -- + 'Name : ' + ISNULL(@Name ,'[Missing Name]') + CHAR(13)

    -- + 'Version : ' + ISNULL(@Version,'[Missing Version]') + CHAR(13)

    -- + 'TimeStamp : ' + ISNULL(@Timestamp,'[Missing Timestamp]') + CHAR(13)

    --if @optype = 1 or optype = 3 set @Body = 'New rows:'

    if @optype = 1 or @optype = 3

    select @Body = --@Body + char(13) +

    ISNULL(@ConfigSetID_Ins,'[Missing ConfigSet]') + CHAR(13) +

    ISNULL(@Name ,'[Missing Name]')+ CHAR(13) +

    ISNULL(@Version,'[Missing Version]')+ CHAR(13) +

    ISNULL(@Timestamp,'[Missing Timestamp]')+ char(13)

    from inserted i ;

    if @optype = 2 --or @optype = 3

    select @Body = --@Body + 'Old Records:' + char(13) +

    ISNULL(@ConfigSetID_Ins,'[Missing ConfigSet]') + CHAR(13) +

    ISNULL(@Name ,'[Missing Name]') + CHAR(13) +

    ISNULL(@Version,'[Missing Version]') + CHAR(13) +

    ISNULL(@Timestamp,'[Missing Timestamp]') + char(13)

    from deleted d ;

    insert INTO logger_all SELECT @Body, @ConfigSetID_Ins, @ConfigSetID_Del, @Subject, @Name, @Version, @Timestamp

    --EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail

    --@profile_name = 'sqlserverdba',

    -- @recipients = 'venkat@.com',

    -- @subject = @subject,

    -- @body = @body
