• I have written another UDF to use while loop shown as below:

    create function dbo.[ReplaceSplVarcharsBICD_test3] (@s varchar(8000)) returns varchar(8000)

    with schemabinding


    if @s-2 is null

    return null

    declare @s2 varchar(8000)

    set @s2 = ''

    declare @l int

    set @l = len(@s)

    declare @p int

    set @p = 1

    while @p <= @l begin

    declare @C int

    set @C = ascii(substring(@s, @p, 1))

    --any characters less than 32(dec,Space), or 124 (PIPE) or 127 (DEL) need to be replace with 32 (dec,Space)

    if @C between 32 and 123 or @C between 125 and 126

    set @s2 = @s2 + char(@c)

    --any characters less than 32(dec,Space), or 124 (PIPE) or 127 (DEL) need to be replace with 32 (dec,Space)

    if @C between 0 and 31 or @C = 124 or @C= 127

    set @s2 = @s2 + char(32)

    set @p = @p + 1


    if len(@s2) = 0

    return null

    return ltrim(rtrim(@s2))



    Testing results:

    1. If we don't call any udf, it took 30 minutes to dump all the data into a file

    2. If we use the first udf, it took 2.5 hours to dump all the data into a file

    3. If we use the second udf, it took 35 minutes to dump all the data into a file.

    Can you let me know if I rewrite the UDF into inline table level UDF, how to use the cross apply

    My current sql is shown as below:


    , a.[Id]























    FROM %DBNAME%.FundsMovementItem a