• I think I may be getting somewhere, anyone else have any suggestions on what to look at next? If I execute:

    exec sys.sp_MSenumchanges_belongtopartition












    It takes 10 minutes to run.

    But, as far as I can tell, that SP pretty much just builds and executes a dynamic SQL statement. I grabbed the SQL statement out of the profiler, and if I execute it manually with the same values, it executes in <1s.

    declare @mingen int, @maxgen int;

    declare @tablenick int, @publication_number int;

    declare @partition_id int, @rowguid uniqueidentifier, @pubid uniqueidentifier;

    select @partition_id = 38,

    @tablenick = 89259003,

    @rowguid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',

    @pubid = '8236EE55-51EF-4E2E-A0A6-B2D26781C214',

    @mingen = 1510638,

    @maxgen = 1510656,

    @publication_number = 1;

    select rows.tablenick, rows.rowguid, rows.generation, rows.lineage, rows.colv, t.[TanSessionGUID], t.[StudioGUID], t.[ClientGUID], t.[BedGUID], t.[EmployeeGUID], t.[CreatedDate], t.[WaitingDate], t.[WarmupDate], t.[StartedDate], t.[FinishedDate], t.[ProcessedDate], t.[CleanedDate], t.[StartDelay], t.[IsStoppedEarly], t.[IsRestored], t.[IsAutoCompleted], t.[IsVirtual], t.[IsMinutes], t.[IsVisits], t.[PrimaryPackageType], t.[VisitsUsed], t.[Replicate], t.[IsGuardianPresent], t.[IsWarmupCycle], t.[IsCleanCycle], t.[IsCancelled], t.[IsGlobalClient], t.[ParentalAccompanimentName], t.[IsOpportunity], t.[IsNewProspect], t.[IsNewSprayProspect]

    from (

    select distinct top 100 mc.tablenick as tablenick, mc.rowguid as rowguid, mc.generation as generation, mc2.lineage as lineage, mc2.colv1 as colv

    from [FabWareHouse].[dbo].[MSmerge_contents] mc

    inner join [FabWareHouse].[dbo].[MSmerge_current_partition_mappings] cpm

    on cpm.tablenick = mc.tablenick

    and cpm.rowguid = mc.rowguid

    and cpm.tablenick = @tablenick

    and mc.tablenick = @tablenick

    inner join [FabWareHouse].[dbo].[MSmerge_contents] mc2

    on mc2.tablenick = mc.tablenick

    and mc2.rowguid = mc.rowguid

    inner join (

    select 1510638 as gen union all

    select 1510652 as gen union all

    select 1510653 as gen union all

    select 1510654 as gen union all

    select 1510655 as gen union all

    select 1510656 as gen

    ) as genlist

    on mc.generation = genlist.gen

    and genlist.gen is not NULL

    where mc.generation >= @mingen and mc.generation <= @maxgen and

    mc.tablenick = @tablenick

    and cpm.tablenick = @tablenick



    (cpm.partition_id = @partition_id and cpm.publication_number = @publication_number) or

    (cpm.partition_id = @partition_id and cpm.publication_number = 0) or

    (cpm.partition_id = -1 and cpm.publication_number = @publication_number) or

    (cpm.partition_id = -1 and cpm.publication_number = 0)


    order by mc.tablenick, mc.rowguid

    ) as rows

    inner join [FabWareHouse].[dbo].[MSmerge_repl_view_8236EE5551EF4E2EA0A6B2D26781C214_359376F00519403CB8B48E9E47C3EC8D] t on t.rowguidcol = rows.rowguid

    order by t.rowguidcol

    Any ideas why the SP may take so long to run the same query?