• Primo Dang (4/11/2013)

    Got it right by elimination. There is no way a NULL value would be converted to an actual date (as far as I know, at least), so that eliminates answer B. Date types can't return an empty string (that would have to be char, varchar, etc.), so that eliminates answer A.

    However, I never memorized the date that is equivalent to 0 and I didn't know if datetime, datetime2 and date had different conversions from integers, so if there had been an answer such as NULL, 1900-01-01 00:00:000, 1753-01-01 00:00:000, 1900-01-01, I might had gotten it wrong. Guess I learned that much from this question, then.

    Thanks, Sasidhar Pulivarthi! 😀

    Edit: changed "don't know if datetime (...) have different conversions from integers" to "didn't know", which made me realized I actually learned something new here. :w00t:

    i too memorize if we use datatime2 datatype that gives the datetime value as '1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 '. That is the reason to clicked the third answer... it's correct.....

    thanks for this question.. nice one....

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