• A slight alternative that might be easier to understand:

    Sample data:

    If Object_Id('TempDB..#Editions', 'U') Is Not Null

    Drop Table #Editions

    Create Table #Editions


    Edition_ID Int Primary Key Clustered,

    Edition_Year int,

    Edition_Start date ,

    Edition_Finish date


    Set Dateformat DMY

    Insert into #Editions

    (Edition_ID, Edition_Year, Edition_Start, Edition_Finish)

    Select '1', '2012', '27-07-2012', '11-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '2', '2008', '07-08-2008', '23-08-2008'

    -- second table #Events

    If Object_Id('TempDB..#Events', 'U') Is Not Null

    Drop Table #Events

    Create Table #Events


    Event_ID Int Primary Key Clustered,

    Event_Name nvarchar(10),

    Event_Year int,

    Event_Start date ,

    Event_Finish date


    Set Dateformat DMY

    Insert into #Events (Event_ID, Event_Name, Event_Year, Event_Start, Event_Finish)

    Select '1', 'AA', '2012', '04-08-2012','07-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '2', 'BB', '2012', '07-08-2012','10-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '3', 'CC', '2012', '04-08-2012','06-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '4', 'DD', '2012', '31-07-2012','01-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '5', 'EE', '2012', '27-07-2012','03-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '6', 'AA', '2008', '17-08-2008','20-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '7', 'BB', '2008', '12-08-2008','13-08-2012' UNION ALL

    Select '8', 'CC', '2008', '20-08-2008','20-08-2012' union all

    Select '9', 'ZZ', '2012', '12-08-2012','12-08-2012' --- extra row to prove that gaps work

    The following will only work for a defined year:

    Declare @SelectedYearchar(4)





    set @SelectedYear = '2012';

    -- Work out the Data range

    select@min_Date = min( Event_Start )

    ,@max_Date = max ( Event_Finish )

    from #Events

    where Event_Year = @SelectedYear ;

    -- Create a table to hold each day offset

    Declare @Tally table ( Number int )

    insert @Tally ( Number )

    select Number

    from [master].[dbo].[spt_Values]

    where Number between 0 and (select datediff( dd , @min_Date , @max_Date ) )

    -- Build up a column list that will determine whether or not the event occurs on that day

    Set @Columns = '' ;

    Select @Columns = @Columns + ' , CASE WHEN ''' + Event_Day +''' '

    + 'BETWEEN [Event_Start] AND [Event_Finish] THEN ''X'' ELSE '''' END AS ['+Event_Day_Label+']' + char(13) + char(10)

    from (

    Select distinct top 100 percent

    Event_Day= cast( dateAdd ( dd , Number , @min_Date ) as varchar(20) )

    ,Event_Day_Label= convert ( char(5), dateAdd ( dd , Number , @min_Date ), 105 )


    from @Tally

    order by Number

    ) as x

    --- Create a string that holds the query

    Select @SqlCmd =

    'Select Event_Name , Event_Year ' + char(13) + char(10)

    + @Columns

    + 'from #Events ' + char(13) + char(10)

    + 'where Event_Year = ' + @SelectedYear + char(13) + char(10)

    + 'order by Event_Name' + char(13) + char(10)

    -- Show the dynamic query

    print @SqlCmd

    -- Run the query

    exec ( @SqlCmd )

    Hope this helps.