• This is the data inserted in those tables


    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (1, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 1, 1, N'', N'RNP1ltr10', 120, N'LTR ', 67.62, 8114.4, 0, 8114.4, N'Purchase @4', 324.58, N'Purchase adtax @1', 81.14, 8520.12, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (2, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 2, 2, N'', N'nn', 20, N'Daba ', 1095.24, 21904.8, 0, 21904.8, N'Purchase @4', 876.19, N'Purchase adtax @1', 219.05, 23000.04, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (3, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 2, 3, N'', N'nn', 5, N'Daba ', 1119.05, 5595.25, 0, 5595.25, N'Purchase @4', 223.81, N'Purchase adtax @1', 55.95, 5875.01, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (4, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 2, 4, N'', N'nn', 180, N'LTR ', 67.15, 12087, 0, 12087, N'Purchase @4', 483.48, N'Purchase adtax @1', 120.87, 12691.35, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (5, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 3, 5, N'', N'nn', 60, N'KGS ', 130, 7800, 0, 7800, N'Purchase @4', 312, N'Purchase adtax @1', 78, 8190, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (6, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 4, 6, N'', N'Chungibary PD806 700kg', 700, N'KGS ', 147, 102900, 0, 102900, N'Purchase @4', 4116, N'Purchase adtax @1', 1029, 108045, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (7, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 5, 2, N'', N'420', 10, N'Daba ', 1071.43, 10714.3, 0, 10714.3, N'Purchase @4', 428.57, N'Purchase adtax @1', 107.14, 11250.01, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (8, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 5, 2, N'', N'nnn', 10, N'Daba ', 1047.62, 10476.2, 0, 10476.2, N'Purchase @4', 419.05, N'Purchase adtax @1', 104.76, 11000.01, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (9, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 5, 4, N'', N'nnn', 12, N'LTR ', 117.34, 1408.08, 0, 1408.08, N'Purchase @4', 56.32, N'Purchase adtax @1', 14.08, 1478.48, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (10, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 5, 7, N'', N'nnn', 2, N'Daba ', 1857.15, 3714.3, 0, 3714.3, N'Purchase @4', 148.57, N'Purchase adtax @1', 37.14, 3900.01, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (11, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 5, 8, N'', N'nn', 5, N'Daba ', 1100, 5500, 0, 5500, N'Purchase @4', 220, N'Purchase adtax @1', 55, 5775, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (12, N'SALES', N'S1213', 1, 7, N'', N'nnn', 2, N'Daba ', 1857.15, 3714.3, 0, 3714.3, N'Sales @4', 148.57, N'Sales adtax @1', 37.14, 3900.01, N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher1] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [item], [itemdesc], [batchno], [quantity], [unit], [rate], [itemamt], [disc], [finalamt], [vatclass], [vat], [adtaxclass], [adtax], [total], [invoicetype]) VALUES (13, N'SALES', N'S1213', 2, 3, N'', N'nn', 5, N'Daba', 1125, 5625, 0, 5625, N'Sales @4', 225, N'Sales adtax @1', 56.25, 5906.25, N'TAX INVOICE')



    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (1, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 1, N'/1', CAST(0x81350B00 AS Date), N'

    ', N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (2, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 2, N'/2', CAST(0x81350B00 AS Date), N'

    ', N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (3, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 3, N'/3', CAST(0x85350B00 AS Date), N'

    ', N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (4, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 4, N'/4', CAST(0x36360B00 AS Date), N'

    ', N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (5, N'PURCHASE', N'P1213', 5, N'/5', CAST(0xBE350B00 AS Date), N'

    ', N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (6, N'JOURNAL', N'J1213', 1, NULL, CAST(0xBE350B00 AS Date), N'', NULL)

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (7, N'PAYMENT', N'PY1213', 1, NULL, CAST(0xBE350B00 AS Date), N'

    ', NULL)

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (8, N'SALES', N'S1213', 1, N'/1', CAST(0x1A360B00 AS Date), N'

    ', N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (10, N'RECEIPT', N'R1213', 1, NULL, CAST(0x1E360B00 AS Date), N'

    ', NULL)

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (18, N'PURCHASE RETURN', N'PR1213', 1, N'', CAST(0x37360B00 AS Date), N'', NULL)

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (19, N'SALES', N'S1213', 2, N'/2', CAST(0x37360B00 AS Date), N'

    ', N'TAX INVOICE')

    INSERT [voucher] ([srno], [vouchertype], [voucherprefix], [voucherno], [voucherrefno], [dt], [details], [invoicetype]) VALUES (20, N'CASH MEMO', N'CM1213', 1, NULL, CAST(0x37360B00 AS Date), N'

    ', NULL)



    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (1, N'Rani Cotton Oil 1LTR pouch', N'1', N'RAW', 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (2, N'Laifol cotan tin (15kg)', N'3', N'RAW', 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (3, N'Laifol new tin(15kg)', N'3', N'RAW', 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (4, N'Gokul cotan oil pauch 1ltr', N'1', N'RAW', 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (5, N'jiru', N'2', N'RAW', 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (6, N'Tea loos', N'2', N'RAW', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (7, N'Gulab singtel (15 ltr tin)', N'3', N'RAW', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (8, N'Gulab cotan oil tin (15kg)', N'3', N'RAW', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (9, N'Emty jr tea 250 gram', N'4', N'RAW', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (10, N'sil', N'4', N'RAW', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (11, N'Stikar (Savaj ti)', N'4', N'RAW', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (12, N'Savaj tea primiam tea pouch (250gm)', N'2', N'RAW', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    INSERT [items] ([srno], [itemname], [unitsymbol], [itemtype], [purchaseledger], [salesledger], [pvatclass], [padtaxclass], [svatclass], [sadtaxclass]) VALUES (13, N'Savaj Premium Blend Tea 250 GM', N'2', N'PRODUCTION', 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4)


    I have tried with following query but not getting opening quantity before the start date(first date from two dates)





    select I.itemname as ITEM,V1.voucherno as VNO,V1.batchno as BATCH,V1.quantity as QTY from items I

    left outer join voucher1 V1

    on I.srno=V1.item

    left outer join voucher V

    on v.vouchertype=v1.vouchertype and v.voucherprefix=v1.voucherprefix and v.voucherno=v1.voucherno and v.invoicetype=v1.invoicetype

    where v.dt between @dt1 and @dt2 and v.vouchertype='PURCHASE'

    ) as A

    left outer join


    select I.itemname as ITEM,V1.voucherno as VNO,V1.batchno as BATCH,V1.quantity as QTY from items I

    left outer join voucher1 V1

    on I.srno=V1.item

    left outer join voucher V

    on v.vouchertype=v1.vouchertype and v.voucherprefix=v1.voucherprefix and v.voucherno=v1.voucherno and v.invoicetype=v1.invoicetype

    where v.dt between @dt1 and @dt2 and v.vouchertype='SALES'

    ) as B

    on A.item=B.item and A.batch=B.batch

    ) as AA

    left outer join


    select A.ITEM as ITEM,A.VNO as VNO,A.BATCH as BATCH,A.QTY-B.QTY as OPQTY from


    select I.itemname as ITEM,V1.voucherno as VNO,V1.batchno as BATCH,V1.quantity as QTY from items I

    left outer join voucher1 V1

    on I.srno=V1.item

    left outer join voucher V

    on v.vouchertype=v1.vouchertype and v.voucherprefix=v1.voucherprefix and v.voucherno=v1.voucherno and v.invoicetype=v1.invoicetype

    where v.dt < @dt1 and v.vouchertype='PURCHASE'

    ) as A

    left outer join


    select I.itemname as ITEM,V1.voucherno as VNO,V1.batchno as BATCH,V1.quantity as QTY from items I

    left outer join voucher1 V1

    on I.srno=V1.item

    left outer join voucher V

    on v.vouchertype=v1.vouchertype and v.voucherprefix=v1.voucherprefix and v.voucherno=v1.voucherno and v.invoicetype=v1.invoicetype

    where v.dt < @dt1 and v.vouchertype='SALES'

    ) as B

    on A.item=B.item and A.batch=B.batch

    ) as BB

    on AA.ITEM=BB.ITEM and AA.batch=BB.batch

    I need results in following format

    ItemNo Voucherno OpeningQty IncomingQty OutgoingQty ClosingQTy

    Each items from Items table should be displayed whether its having data in voucher1 or not