• So, you do not like my first solution? I totally agree it was the quickest thing that came off the press.

    It is like life, if you spend a couple of minutes more looking at it, a simpler solution can be found.

    How about a filtered roll-up? most of the code is for formatting the results.


    -- Solve business problem with a roll-up


    ; with cte_rollup as (




    cast(sum(case when warrantystatus = 'IW' then orders else 0 end) as decimal(9,2)) as iw_total,

    cast(sum(case when warrantystatus = 'OOW' then orders else 0 end) as decimal(9,2)) as oow_total,

    cast(sum(orders) as decimal(9,2)) as grand_total

    from gm_table

    group by rollup (fweek, prod_desc)



    fweek, prod_desc, iw_total,

    cast((iw_total/ grand_total * 100) as decimal(9,2)) as iw_pct,


    cast((oow_total/ grand_total * 100) as decimal(9,2)) as oow_pct

    from cte_rollup where prod_desc is not null

    John Miner
    Crafty DBA