• j.miner (4/8/2013)

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding param sniffing, but isn't the optimizer going to generate a plan and keep it until something changes (index rebuilt\reorg, stats update, table records added\deleted, etc...), and then generate a new plan based on the updated objects? Where the variable value never changes, param sniffing won't come into play here?

    If the value never changes in your where clause, you have some really boring code?


    Again, it all depends upon performance. That is why I suggested looking at run time and i/o. If you can live with a generic plan that uses variables, why not?

    Isn't all code boring after it's been written and running in production?

    Imagine a SELECT in a proc that returns active widgets, the WHERE is always going to be the same. So do you code your where clause 'WHERE Active = 'YES'' or WHERE Active = @yes? If I can consistently prove that the variable code uses more CPU and is slower, than in my mind, it's an open and shut case. What does the variable declaration buy you? I'm either lazy or efficient (probably lazy), but in my mind this just clouds the code.

    I typically do look at IO and runtime (I <3 my profiler more than the query io \ runtime measures), but I also find it helpful to run both and look at the cost relative to the batch.