• Eric M Russell (4/5/2013) In professions like engineering, scientific research, and defense, emotions just get in the way. At least that's the case at the lower technical level. Of course every industry has a public facing level, even if only a small percentage of the professionals in that industry are directly involved in it.

    Eric, for the most part I would agree. In the area of scientific research emotion however can be the driving force behind all the research. I have seen over the years scientists driven by raw passion and aggression to solve some issue that is very emotional to them. A doctor who has lost his child or spouse to some disease may out of some emotional drive dedicate their life to work usually trying to find a cure for the disease that took their loved one. They could not be more emotional about their work, and if they lost their emotional they would loose motivation.

    Those who are crusaders are driven by emotion, even appearing to potentially be unstable at times they press on to solve problems or prove their theory with enough emotion and passion to kill some other people. And while it is hard to be around a person like that, I am thankful for the cures, proven research, knowledge, and wisdom they bring to all of us.

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!