• Again, real data would help me help you!

    Here is a shot in the dark, table #a has a one-to-one relationship with table #b. Update work fine!

    create table #a


    DomainName1 varchar(25),

    OfficeName1 varchar(25)


    create table #b


    DomainName2 varchar(25),

    OfficeName2 varchar(25)


    insert into #a values

    ('microsoft', 'seattle'),

    ('dell', 'huston');

    insert into #b values

    ('microsoft', 'seattle, wa'),

    ('dell', 'huston, tx');

    select * from #a;

    select * from #b;

    update #a

    set OfficeName1 = OfficeName2


    #a inner join #b on #a.DomainName1 = #b.DomainName2;

    select * from #a;

    John Miner
    Crafty DBA