• alexkedrov (7/8/2010)

    f.racionero (10/17/2007)

    Normally I use this script to get all user information for a db


    [Login Type]=

    case sp.type

    when 'u' then 'WIN'

    when 's' then 'SQL'

    when 'g' then 'GRP'


    convert(char(45),sp.name) as srvLogin,

    convert(char(45),sp2.name) as srvRole,

    convert(char(25),dbp.name) as dbUser,

    convert(char(25),dbp2.name) as dbRole


    sys.server_principals as sp join

    sys.database_principals as dbp on sp.sid=dbp.sid join

    sys.database_role_members as dbrm on dbp.principal_Id=dbrm.member_principal_Id join

    sys.database_principals as dbp2 on dbrm.role_principal_id=dbp2.principal_id left join

    sys.server_role_members as srm on sp.principal_id=srm.member_principal_id left join

    sys.server_principals as sp2 on srm.role_principal_id=sp2.principal_id

    Very good...

    I want to add this to a cursor and have it select the name of the database as well..Can we add the name of database to it?

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