• ChrisM@Work (4/3/2013)

    Thanks for the ddl and dml, it makes a real difference. I'd recommend you split this into two steps. It will make the end result easier to understand, test and maintain than writing it as one query. Step 1 would be calculating the missing days, step 2 would be performing a running totals of the missing days and updating the new column. Here's Step 1. Check that the output is what you are expecting to see;

    -- Step 1 Calculate missing days

    SELECT s.*,




    FROM TestScores s

    INNER JOIN Terms t -- collect term end date

    ON t.SchoolYR = s.SchoolYR

    AND t.LocID = s.LocID

    AND t.Term = s.Term

    OUTER APPLY ( -- calculate a suitable term start date

    SELECT StartDate = DATEADD(day,1,i.EndDate)

    FROM Terms i

    WHERE i.SchoolYR = t.SchoolYr

    AND i.LocID = t.LocID

    AND i.Term = t.Term-1

    ) x

    CROSS APPLY ( -- aggregate missed days per ID / term

    SELECT Missed = COUNT(*)/8

    FROM Attend a

    WHERE a.ID = s.ID

    AND a.DateABS BETWEEN ISNULL(x.StartDate,'19000101') AND t.EndDate

    ) y

    ORDER BY s.SchoolYR, s.ID, s.Term


    This is close. But you are calculating the days missed per term and I need it to be accumulative for the year.

    I can get the first day of school and pass it to your query, but I'm not sure how to incorporate it into the query.

    Here is how I would pass it:

    Declare @FirstDayDate Date

    Set @FirstDayDate = '2012-08-14'

